Where avant-garde becomes electronic art.

Our new catalog called “Betterz Late Than Neverz” releases start this Friday!
Now on STEAM!  The  video game Folletti!

The Official Strategy Guide to Folletti is on Kindle and Amazon!

Y-Nightmare Productions

Out now!

Betterz Late Than Neverz Release “Lips for Tuesday” 
by Folletti-Files.


Out Now!

Folletti Original Soundtrack!

Click “Links” for ways to get it yo.

The Folletti Videogame and Original Soundtrack is out now!
Click Email Us at the top then send an email to join our mailing list!!!!!!!

Folletti is an 8 bit nightmare that combines an Action RPG with a little Survival Horror/Dark Comedy.


Folletti is the game that I dreamed of playing in the 80’s

Introduce your team

Do you work with an awesome team? Of course you want to introduce them to your visitors.

Welcome Nick Cullen, Kyle Mabbott, and Cameron Wilson! They are new interns here at Y-Nightmare Productions! Nick, Fresh off a marketing degree and Cameron Wilson with a degree in computer science. Kyle has been working on video games and learned some tricks at Coding Dojo! Can’t wait to see what they can do!

Yezac Folletti

CEO, Lead Programmer, Writer, Producer, Composer, ect

Nick Cullen


Cameron Wilson

Data and Technology

Kyle Mabbott

Coding and Development


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